Ways to Treat Pet Allergies

Pet allergies (allergic rhinitis) are common, and dogs and cats get most of the blame. Well, there are a million reasons for that; about 62% of U.S households have pets, and over 161 million of these pets are cats and dogs. 

If you experience allergic symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing, rash, chest tightness, congestion, eczema, and more, you shouldn’t break up your beautiful relationship with your pet. With these furry companions, you can have your cake and eat it. Here’s how;

Home Remedies

Living with pets can deem difficult the effort to make the environment allergen-free. For instance, if you live with a dog, dog dander can stick to your household items, including curtains and bedding. To get rid of these allergic reactions, the most surefire way is to avoid contact with dogs. Additionally, you can; 

●      Use a saline sinus rinse by mixing iodine-free salt with baking soda and warm water and put it in the nostril using an ear dropper.

●      Plant supplements, especially those containing rosmarinic acid, can help eliminate allergy symptoms. 

Medical Treatment

If staying away from your pet isn’t an option, and the symptoms are severe, you may need more than a home remedy. The most effective way is to visit your doctor for a specialized diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor may direct you to take the following medications to help you manage the reactions. 

●      Antihistamines: They block the production of an immune system chemical (histamines) that cause the tissue in your nose to swell, have a running nose or eye, and sometimes your mouth to itch. You may also experience an itchy rash called hives on your skin. 

They can be taken as pills and liquids, nasal sprays, eye drops. If you’re using an antihistamine that may cause drowsiness, it would be best if you do so before bedtime. 

●      Corticosteroids are nasal sprays that reduce swelling and control symptoms resulting from pet allergies. These prescriptions include Nasonex, Omnaris, and Flonase Allergy Relief. 

●      Decongestants:  If you’re experiencing a stuffed-up nose, a decongestant can shrink the inflamed blood vessels and tissues. The common decongestants include Afrin, Sudafed PE, and Silfedrine. Please avoid using any decongestant spray for more than three days, as this could result in a more stuffed-up nose once you stop using them. 

Decongestants may not work for everybody. It’s, therefore, vital to let your doctor know if you have any underlying conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, thyroid problems, or uncontrolled high blood pressure. 

Other treatments may include allergic shots, also called immunotherapy, which may be considered if all the other prescriptions aren’t satisfactory also if you have had allergies for more than three months. These shots are administered gradually until you get to a maintenance dose. 

The other treatment is nasal irrigation, which uses a neti pot, bulb syringe, or squeeze bottle to eliminate your sinuses' infection agents and irritants. The sinus flush also helps moisten the mucosal membrane around the sinuses. You can do nasal irrigation whenever you experience a bout of nasal congestion, as advised by your doctor.

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