Surviving the Holidays with IBS

As we all start to gather together for our winter celebrations and holiday feasts, some of us have more reason to look out for what we eat. About 20% of the population is estimated to be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, which makes life a lot more problematic than it is for everyone else, especially when it comes to eating.

If you have been diagnosed with IBS, check with your local doctor about any medications or strategies that could help your situation. If, however, you are suffering from digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, intestinal pain, bloating, nausea, or more; it may be time to schedule an appointment for some testing and an eventual diagnosis.

In any event, there are some common-sense precautions to take which could be beneficial to all of us, but especially those of us with these kinds of problems.

Take probiotics

Twice daily probiotics not only increase your ability to digest correctly- they also help give your immune system a big jumpstart for the cold and flu season. They can help balance feminine PH and bacteria in the gut, as well as reduce bloating.

These are easy to find at any drug store, but consult your doctor for what kind may be right for you, if you are unsure. Make sure to read the labels as some probiotics may require refrigeration or have short expiration dates.

Drink a proper amount of water

While the recommendations do change over the years, the standard recommendation for daily water consumption is around 3 liters right now. It does vary for men and women, and it does depend on size. Consult with your doctor if you are unsure. Whatever the amount needed, invest in a copious water bottle, filled with clean and quality water, that you can have by your side all day.

Learn to stop eating when you are full

This is a skill worth learning for life. Especially around the holidays, there is a tendency to confuse emotions and food. People want you to eat and enjoy the things they make. But, they are not the ones who know what your healthy daily consumption should look like, you are.

Feeling full is hard to ascertain sometimes. One approach is to try eating slowly. This way your stomach has time to catch up with your brain and let it know that you have had enough.

Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is essential to keep your body’s systems moving, and to maintain your overall health. Long walks before and/or after eating can be beneficial, as can following a regular exercise plan.

The only thing to watch out for is consuming foods that are difficult to digest before strenuous exercise. Consuming broccoli or brussel sprouts before attempting a sprint can be unnecessarily uncomfortable. Foods like that are beneficial as they provide fiber, but they can also create bloating or bulkage that is not conducive to working out.

Medication, fiber-rich diets, and more are all available to those who suffer from IBS. Remember to take care, but also make sure you have discussed your options with your doctor in time for all the holiday fun.

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