• Diagnosing Ulcerative Colitis
     Few things cause more concern than dramatic changes in the way our digestive systems work. And the sight of blood in the stool is one of the most alarming differences Read more
  • Boosting Energy for the Winter Months
    As the holiday's end, we are all faced with the rest of the winter. Getting up and out into the cold can be a challenge. And staying the course for Read more
  • The Truth About Sports Asthma
    As many of us enter the holiday season and look forward to greeting the new year, plans for fitness and weight loss are high on the list. There are a Read more
  • Surviving the Holidays with IBS
    As we all start to gather together for our winter celebrations and holiday feasts, some of us have more reason to look out for what we eat. About 20% of the Read more
  • Discovering Diverticulitis
    Chances are you’ve probably heard of this lengthy name but, unless you have experienced it yourself, you don’t know what it entails. Diverticulitis is a condition that surprisingly enough for Read more
  • 5 Self-Care Tips for Dealing with Widespread Chronic Pain
    Widespread chronic pain can sideline a person. It prevents them from doing everything that they want to do throughout the day. It limits their mobility and ability to be productive. The Read more
  • Foods to Avoid in the Fight Against Arthritis
    Arthritis is a complicated condition. It can severely change the quality of life for those suffering. In its essence, this disease is having swelling and pain in any of the Read more
  • National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
    As the nights grow crisper and the colors start to brighten up the trees, there is a sense of fall coming down all over. We all know that Halloween, Thanksgiving, Read more
  • Is It the Thyroid? Learning to Understand
    Unless you have a reason to really think about it, the thyroid is a kind of unsung hero of the body. While most of us know it has something to Read more
  • Getting the Flu Shot
    As we all turn to an unsure autumn, one thing is certain. The flu will not be taking a break this year. While we all had our fill of infectious Read more
  • Natural Boosts for Fighting Allergies
    With the sun shining and the flowers opening up again, people are celebrating and heading outside. But, if you are one of the millions of allergy sufferers in the country, Read more
  • Coping with Migraines
    Migraines are something that can not be ignored. They are extremely severe headaches that can be accompanied by pulsing sensations in the head, nausea, vomiting and increased sensitivity to brightness Read more
  • Finding the Right Shoes for Foot Pain
    An often overlooked part of the body, the feet are actually very important. They are the foundation of your body, how you get around and they set the tone for Read more
  • 5 Self-Care Tips for Dealing with Widespread Chronic Pain
    Widespread chronic pain can sideline a person. It prevents them from doing everything that they want to do throughout the day. It limits their mobility and ability to be productive. The Read more
  • Beyond Alzheimer’s: Exploring Lewy Body Dementia
    When a loved one begins to exhibit signs of dementia, it is one of the most difficult challenges to face. Little slips of memory, failure to recognize places or people, Read more
  • Identifying Endometriosis
    If you are having abnormally intense or debilitating pain around your menstrual cycle, you could be one of the 10% of women reported as suffering with endometriosis. It is an Read more

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